Top 10k strings from Beacon Adventure (1984)(Sinclair User)(16k).tap
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4 "You can't go that way!": 3 added. JimG. 3 "You are on a road running from north to south." 3 "You are at the edge of a river. There are trees all around you." 2 b$="door " 2 "You are in a wood." 2 "You are in a forest.There is a path running north/south." 2 "What door?": 2 "That's silly!!": 2 "It's too dark!": 2 "Don't be silly!!": 1 o$(f),a(f),b(f),l(f): 1 b$="onion" 1 b$="onion " 1 adventure 1 a$="unlock" 1 a$="light" 1 a$="insert" 1 a$;" what?": 1 On the way you will encounter a number of hazards and problems to be solved in the traditional adventure fashion by entering the appropriate two-word commands. 1 Command list added. JimG. 1 Beacon Adventure (Sinclair User 31, Oct.1984) is a text adventure by Owen Lloyd of Birmingham. In it you have to find and light a beacon. 1 Array l() added. JimG. 1 ,"onion",2 1 ,"matches",7 1 ,"golden key",2 1 ,"battery",4 1 '"Nothing!" 1 "whooshhh.... The tree falls!": 1 "candle",3 1 "battery " 1 "adventure" 1 "You insert the battery.The beacon flashes on and off.You have successfully completed the adventure.": 1 "You haven't got any wood": 1 "You haven't got an axe!!": 1 "You have:": 1 "You don't have anything to light it with!": 1 "You don't have a candle!!": 1 "You don't have a battery.": 1 "You don't have a ";b$: 1 "You can't go down": 1 "You are surrounded by wolves who will not let you move.": 1 "You are on an island.In front of you is a beacon which lacks a power source.There is a hole in the ground." 1 "You are on an immense plain." 1 "You are on a road running from west to east." 1 "You are on a road running from east to west." 1 "You are on a huge plateau."," 1 "You are on a huge plateau." 1 "You are in the west end of a meadow." 1 "You are in the east end of a meadow." 1 "You are in some hills.There is a swamp to the west." 1 "You are in a valley.To the east is a road." 1 "You are in a valley." 1 "You are in a shrubbery." 1 "You are in a rockery.There is a lake to the west." 1 "You are in a meadow.There is a road to the west." 1 "You are in a meadow."," 1 "You are in a meadow." 1 "You are in a forest.In front of you is a door in the ground." 1 "You are in a field.There are gates to the east and to the south." 1 "You are in a field." 1 "You are in a clearing.In front of you is a woodcutter's hut." 1 "You are in a cave." 1 "You are in a big field.There is a swamp to the east." 1 "You are at the edge of a river. There are trees all around you."," 1 "You are at the edge of a lake. In the middle there is a stone with a sword in it." 1 "What with?": 1 "What next ?";c$: 1 "What do you want a raft for?": 1 "Want to save the game first ?";s$: 1 "Want to quit ?";s$: 1 "Use what?": 1 "Unlock what?": 1 "There's no water here!": 1 "There's no dog here!": 1 "There is a stream in the way!!": 1 "There is a road going south." 1 "There is a dog in the way!!": 1 "There are no trees worth chopping!": 1 "The wolves run away because of the smell of the onion": 1 "The wolves run away because of the smell of the onion" 1 "That's stupid!!": 1 "That's a bit silly": 1 "Open what?": 1 " have a raft.": 1 "O.K....": 1 "O.K. There is a stair going down": 1 "Munch,munch!": 1 "Make what?": 1 "Looking around you see a "; 1 "Light what?": 1 "It's locked stupid!": 1 "It casts a flickering light!!": 1 "Insert what?": 1 "I have no dog food": 1 "I don't understand.Try again.": 1 "I can't see a ";b$ 1 "Have blank tape ready." 1 "Get what?": 1 "Feed what?": 1 "Don't be silly!": 1 "Don't be nuts!!!": 1 "Chop what?": 1 "COMMANDS:"'"n,s,e,w,d","=directions"'"i","=inventory"'"r","=redescribe"'"get,take,put,drop,open,unlock"'"chop,feed,insert,light,make,swimsave,quit": 1 "Brrr...The water is too cold!": 1 "Arrgh!!!!....You have just fallen into a swamp."